I have been thinking too many things these days and I miss home so much at the same time.
So when I woke up this morning, I didn't want to go work. But I needed of course. So I just woke up and prepared what I always do. When I left home, Chase who is my roommates' cat came to me and said "Itterasshai"(It's like "good bye", "Good luck" or "Take care" ... can be anything... lol) to me. That made me feel better. And when I went outside, it was chilly and there was still big moon in the sky.
I just talked myself "Be strong!!", "Come on, Ayumi!!" and tried to cheer me up.
It was really busy day more than I expected and a few irregular things happened too.
So my feeling went down and down. Usually when it's that busy I don't take a break but today maybe I looked tired so head chef told me to take a break. And I did with oat meal which my co-worker made for me. That was really sweet and warm. And I realized that now it's so busy for everyone not only for me.
And working with negative feeling doesn't solve anything. The amount of work doesn't change. So
I should work with smile as usual!! And at that moment I could change my mind.
I hadn't felt down much after I started this job so I didn't think about it before. But when I think about everyone who is working there. Always everyone has good smile. That's why I didn't need to feel down before. So I thank everyone for smiling everyday:) This was important day for me to realize very basic thing but important thing in my life.
Now I feel much better. Tomorrow, I need to start work early but I will rest tonight and will be ready for that. And I will smile back to everyone with my feeling of thank them all:)
ReplyDeleteそうですー!!こちらこそフルネームで名前覚えて下さってうれしいです^^実 はかなり以前から拝読してます!フェイスックで、ゆきさんと繋がっていて、こちらにたどり着いたのだったかな。がんばってらっしゃるのですね。わたしは昨夏に製造から事務に戻ってしまいました。