Welcome to my page!!

I'm gonna share my and our experiences in NY as Japanese from today. For me life in NY is so much fun!! Many things are different from Japan and many things are the same... lol
Most of topics might be food though...
I hope you can enjoy:)

Mar 2, 2011

Japanese day!!! (Restaurant & Foodservice Show of NY)

Today we went to Foodservice Show at Jacob Javits Center.
There are so many booths but the biggest one was Japan Pavilion.
I've never seen such a many Japanese people in NY!!! lol
There were so many things to try and they were all small portion but we tried so many so those made me so full... lol

Before the entrance they already served some pastries!!

A friend of Claire was working there as a chef!!

There were U.S. pastry competition too.

And it was last day so they were cleaning the booths...
It was hard to see that the piece was thrown away into the trash even that one was the first prize...:(

coffee competition?

These are cupcake layers!!

micro greens!!

So American!! lol

These are crusts for pizza. So thin!! And they were gooood!!! :)

Now it's so popular!! dumplings!! 

Many American pastries...

Even tables and chairs were there...

And now we are at Japan Pavilion!!!

The first one was OTOKOMAE TOFU!!! lol
(handsome tofu!!)

Japanese knives are there too...lol

And many kinds of tea...

Plum sakeeeee♥

Japanese traditional soda:) love it!!

And Japanese cartoon character ... Kitaro and father of Kitaro which is eyeball was there on Sake glass...lol

And can't skip this!! Okonomiyaki. (cabbage pancake)

colorful sushis

My favorite tea company was there!!!!!!

This iichiko (shochu) was only in USA!!
Wanna try Japanese people?? lol

Sushi rolling machine!! Now we don't need sushi chef anymore!!! lol

And of course Le Cordon Bleu was there!! but only brochure... lol

And before this event I met American guy who speaks Japanese so well and a big fun of Chocokuro from Saint Marc cafe and Quil Fait Bon which is French pastry shop in Tokyo.
Also after the show I talked with two Japanese business men too.
All of them I don't know even name but today started with Japanese and end up with Japanese... lol
Which was nice!! :)


  1. I went this Event last year. Also Last day too. Enough Foods, enough Goods.... too much!!! But I wanted to go again!!!

  2. lol
    I'm good for now... lol Maybe next year? But it was fun:)

  3. I wish I would have known about this event! In NYC, right?

  4. Ahhh, I'm sorry I should've told you... My friend took me there.
