Welcome to my page!!

I'm gonna share my and our experiences in NY as Japanese from today. For me life in NY is so much fun!! Many things are different from Japan and many things are the same... lol
Most of topics might be food though...
I hope you can enjoy:)

Aug 18, 2010

eat pray love

Last year every women were reading this book I think... But I didn't.
And today I didn't have any plan for my day off so I went to see this movie "eat pray love".
The scenes were so beautiful and if I could have money I wanted to do the same actually:)
And the funny things are when I saw this movie before I came here in NY, I think I couldn't understand this movie like now. Because I met many people here from many country, also I saw how people is living here and I've been comparing Japan and other country all the time. That's why this movie was so much fun for me.
And I did kind of same thing just one year ago that I jumped out from Japan and I came here. And I haven't get the answer but I learned many things and I've understood myself more than before. But still I'm in the middle of this searching though.

After movie I went to my favorite book store House Works Bookstore in Soho http://www.housingworks.org/social-enterprise/bookstore-cafe/
and got the used book. I will read this and compare how different the movie is from the original book and also I will think about this story once again.

I've heard that now Julia Roberts is in Japan and her visiting Japan is for the first time. I'm so sure that this movie is focused in Japan now so please try when you have chance!!


映画の後にはSOHOにあるお気に入りの本屋さんHouse works bookstore http://www.housingworks.org/social-enterprise/bookstore-cafe/へ行き原作の古本も手に入れてきました。映画と原作がどう違うのかを比較しつつ、もう一度、この本をじっくり味わってみたいと思います。



  1. へ~!そんなはやってたんだね!その本!
    映画最近結構宣伝してるよ~ ^^ 面白そう☆

  2. そうそう、追加で書いたけど、NYの撮影場所一部ご近所だったのよ〜。。。
